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Designing A Sustainable Television Series: A costume department’s journey

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As the global call for sustainability resonates across industries, the world of film and television is no exception. Environmental consciousness is paramount, the film industry is making strides toward sustainability, and every department plays a role. Recognising the impact of its productions on the environment, Screen Ireland has recently introduced a sustainability initiative for film and TV productions. This initiative aims to provide funding to support the implementation of carbon-reducing and sustainable practices throughout the production process.
The Irish costume industry is well on it’s way to witnessing a significant shift towards sustainability, The costume community here in Ireland has been quick to embrace eco-friendly practices. Leaders in this endeavour include Niamh and Alice, founders of Circular Costume Ireland. This initiative not only encompasses a costume warehouse dedicated to circular practices but also involves educating and connecting the costume community on the principles of sustainability.
I am embarking on a new television series, and with some practice under my belt in Designing Sustainability, once again I will be leading a sustainable costume department, Here are the 5 key steps I am be implementing to get me started.

  1. Don’t Buy Anything: Circular Costume Ireland advises a simple yet powerful mantra – don’t buy anything. By utilising resources already in circulation , such as rails, boxes, hangers, and clothing, without making additional purchases we are building a sustainable system and creating a cycle in the costume department that can continue independently of outside resources.
  2. Conscious Calculations: it’s inevitable that there will be some items that can’t be found second-hand, as a department we commit to using fashion footprint calculator tools such as Kering,  Positively FarFetch , ‘Thread Up’ to make informed decisions about where to shop and ensure our purchases align with our sustainable principles.
  3. Reduce Plastic Usage: Taking a proactive stance against plastic, our costume department is eliminating the use of plastic garment bags and shoe bags along with other forms of plastic. Instead, we are opting for fabric alternatives that are not only eco-friendly but also 100% recyclable.
  4. Eliminate Store Shopping Bags: Traditionally, the end of a production sees a surplus of store shopping bags. We will use only reusable fabric bags. This not only reduces waste but also aligns with the broader goal of minimising the environmental footprint.
  5. Re-Home 100% of Department Stock: A crucial step towards sustainability is ensuring that all items used in the costume department return to the circular economy , by finding a new home at the end of the production. Thanks to Circular Costume Ireland, there is now a designated space to re-home costumes, supplies, and equipment. This initiative also involves donating appropriate goods to men’s and women’s shelters, fostering a sense of community and social responsibility.

As a costume designer and Head of Department, I am committed to sustainability and setting an example of what steps can be taken within our department, By adopting circular practices, reducing plastic usage, and actively re-homing department stock, our costume department are not just creating a sustainable production environment but also contributing to a greener, more responsible future. To stay updated on this journey towards sustainability, follow the behind-the-scenes progress on Instagram.

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