Roy the Cartoon boy

Costume Design

Roy the Cartoon boy is an award winning Irish/British children’s series about a cartoon boy living in the real world.   

Working as a Costume Designer is more than just creating the characters looks, I am the first port of call for the cast. 

I care about how the cast look and feel in their costumes,  I enjoy the process of working with them to find  the  character.

Many of the cast of Roy were children and all wore a  similar school uniform, it was through working with each of them, I discovered how I cold help tell that characters story with costume.

There was ‘the bully’ who was a more ‘break all the rules- shirt untucked and tie loose who never wore his uniform properly. The ‘cool dude’ who kept his gold locks long and rolled up the sleeves of this blazer (Miami vice- inspired) .  The A+ student who wore her uniform perfect- and pristine.