Television Commericals

Costume Stylist

Commercials are extremely fast paced and require being able to deliver exactly what the agency, clients and director wants while ensuring the cast look and feel great. I have a consistent track record of delivering  quality on time and within budget.

Clothes do make the man! and sell products. Clothing plays a key role in  telling the story the marketeers  build around a product.

As a costume stylist I collaborate with the creative agency,  the clients and the director to capture the perfect ‘look’.  This sometimes involves incorporating a subliminal brand colours thorough out the looks.

Experience and confidence is key.  Styling preparations for shoot day happen fast.  It’s about having an eye for what clothing will looks good on the people I’m dressing, while  being resourceful in knowing where to find even the most unusual requests.

Knowing where to get a sports team’s kit printed and manufactured , or sourcing ‘real’ lived in looking clothing that is believable.  There are budgets to adhere to, but the real budgeting is the skill of budgeting time.